
"Parliaments in the pandemic" Workshop n.2

On July 20th 2022, I participated in the second workshop of the research network “Parliaments in the pandemic” (PiP). PiP is an international collaboration gathering experts on parliaments organised under the aegis of the Research Committee of Legislative Specialists (RCLS) of the International Political Science Association (IPSA).

CAP 2022 Annual Meeting

The CAP 2022 Annual Meeting was held at the Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy at Reichman University, Israel, on July 10-12. I presented a co-authored paper (with Amnon Cavari, Emiliano Grossman, and Ilana Shpaizman) entitled: “The effect of government characteristics on the diversity of government legislation”.

Event "Parlamento e governo alla prova della pandemia"

This one-day workshop organised by the standing group of the Italian Political Science Association “Government, parliament and political representation” took place at Roma-Tre university. It saw the participation of scholars and practitioners interested in the analysis of the performance of the Italian parliament during the pandemic.

Tirana Summer School 2022 "Being European is cool!"

“Being European is cool” brought together students from Albania ( Fakulteti Shkencave Sociale) and Italy ( University of Firenze, School of political sciences) for a three-day event of seminars and activities.

Legitech Conference 2022 in Villa Ruspoli

The first Legitech Conference took place on 12th May 2022 in Villa Ruspoli (Firenze). The programme was extensive and featured an exceptional parterre of speakers. To download the programme, please click here.

EU Talks 2022 - The final event

The final event of the EU Talks 2022 project took place in the beautiful hall of “Salone dei Cinquecento” in Palazzo Vecchio, Firenze. We had the pleasure to be part of the Festival of Europe programme and to hold the event on Europe Day.

Second meeting of the Constirep project in Lille

The meeting saw the participation of myself, Marco Lisi (FCSH), João Cancela (FCSH) and Julien Navarro (UC Lille) and took place at Lille Catholic University.

Data Analysis in R - Scuola Superiore di Catania

I was invited to teach a five-day course in data analysis in R at the Scuola Superiore di Catania, Disegno e metodi della ricerca politica, from 21st to 25th February 2022.

The Project "Legitech" is awarded a grant by the University of Florence

The project was funded by the University of Florence through the competitive announcement “Finanziamento di progetti competitivi per Ricercatori a Tempo Determinato (RTD) dell’Università di Firenze 2021-23” and is co-led with my Unifi colleague Renato Ibrido.